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The Journey

Updated: Jul 11, 2018

I think of all the blog posts I’m yet to write, this one will probably be the most difficult. Reason being is that I’m quite an introverted and confidential person, and I don’t really enjoy talking much about myself – but I often get asked how I ended up where I am, so I thought I’d share my story.

I was one of those kids that never really knew what I wanted to be when “I grew up”. Looking back, I don’t really feel like we’re equipped as students to manage our finances, let alone make such an important life decision at 17/18 years old.

As a child I would literally copy what other kids mentioned, or said what I thought my parents wanted to hear, like wanting to be a doctor, or a teacher. The one thing I was certain about though, was that I really enjoyed art.

Once I outgrew my tomboy phase, I started finding a real interest in makeup . There was a bi-weekly magazine I used to get, that would come with makeup products and instructions on the various ways to use them. I was very disappointed to find that my hoarder self didn't hang onto these, but I still have cards from my 14th birthday?. I had this champagne coloured cream eyeshadow that I was absolutely obsessed with! But I’d never considered Makeup as a career, because I didn’t even think it was possible!

I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend university, although at that stage I was still truly finding my passion, and a gap year wasn’t really an option. Needless to say, that didn’t end well. Still a little clueless, I went off to work for about 2 years, and in that time, I finally decided to start saving for a makeup course, because makeup was the one thing that actually kept my interest. I had no actual plan set in stone, but I completed a course in Beauty Makeup, as well as Theatre Makeup and Special Effects in 2013. I wanted to try my hand at everything, including Fashion Design, not only to have the qualifications, but to discover where my main interest lied – which only came years later.

I’ve always been the type of person that expected instant results, and my career has taught me that all good things take time – it’s probably the only thing I have real patience for. 5 years later and I feel like I’m only getting started. I still have so much to learn as I’m a firm believer in never ending self-improvement, and it’s something I really don’t want to rush because I’m enjoying the journey so much!

I find joy in the fact that society is becoming more open minded to creatives, and starting to respect the craft, although you still get the naysayers that think you’re absolutely silly. Some people still think I play dollhouse for a living. If there’s one word of advice I can give to someone who is currently in the same position as I was - Trust your heart regardless, find your passion, and work consistently at it. And most of all, do it with your entire soul.

Here’s to setting goals, and conquering them.



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