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Your Wedding Day Beauty Schedule

Timing is one of the most fragile aspects of your Wedding Day as it dictates the tone of all your proceedings for the day. From your hair and makeup, to your photo session, ceremony and your arrival to your reception, is usually on a strict schedule. Therefore, it is so important to start your day on time.

In a perfect world, your hair and makeup should be done at the venue, just in time for your photographer to snap a few images of you and your bridesmaids before your ceremony. But let’s face it, things don’t always go as planned, and your budget may not always allow for that.

I’d like to share some tips with my readers that I’ve learnt along the way, from my observation and experience with clients.

If you’re the lady that finds it impossible to be on time, or have a large bridal party / early ceremony, and you’re getting ready at your wedding venue, the easiest solution would be to book into your suite the night before your wedding and stay over. Most venues only allow a check-in from 11am, and depending on the time of your ceremony and number of ladies requiring hair and makeup, there may not be sufficient time for everyone to be ready on time. Hair and Makeup is the last thing you want to rush through. It can take anywhere from 30 mins to an hour per person, and a rushed job will not equal great work, unless of course your stylist is able to bring along an assistant to take off some pressure.

Alternatively, I’ve had some brides get ready at their home on the morning of their wedding, who have come across as more relaxed. This however, would require your photographer to possibly travel between both venues as I feel that it’s always a special addition to your photo book to have images of you getting ready with your Bridal entourage and have them capturing some really special moments that you can look back on forever.

Lastly, you should receive or ask for a schedule from your hairstylist / makeup artist just so you have an idea of the sequence of events as that should not be for the bride to worry about.

Personally, I like to schedule moms first as they tend to do a lot of the running around on the day, and then get started on the Bridal party.

The bride is usually scheduled second last, unless there’s at least an hour before the ceremony. The reason for this is that it allows for the Bride’s makeup to set before the ceremony, and to allow time for her to get dressed and relax, as well as maybe have a few photos taken before walking down the aisle. Another reason is that, if in the unfortunate occurrence that we’re running behind schedule, there won’t be any need to rush through the Bride’s makeup as she is the most important person on the day.

It’s clear to see that timing is very important and that nothing can be left to chance, as there are always a few unforeseeable variables along the way. For this reason, I always do my best to be punctual and send out a clear and concise schedule days before the big day. Your special day is important for me, as I get to share in all of the excitement leading up to one of the most special days of your life, which is why I love what I do so much!

Here's to planning a successful Wedding Day



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